Do I have to be home when you’re there scooping my yard?
No. Most people work during the day and find it difficult to arrange a time to be home. However, if you want to be there the first day, for whatever reason, we can arrange a time to meet you and your dog. Just let us know!
Do I have to tie up my dog when you service my yard?
No. Most of the time the only problem we have with dogs is that they want to be petted and jump up on us. They know which pocket we keep the dog biscuits in! If your dog is on a special diet, or you just don’t want us to give them a treat, let us know. We use only high quality, healthy and nutritious dog biscuits.
You know your dog best and how he or she will react to strangers. Over the years we have met several dogs only to find out that they really are nice once you get to know them. If we feel we cannot enter your property safely, then we will arrange a meeting with you to meet the dog(s) or require you to secure them while we’re there.
How do I start up service?
It’s easy to start up service. Use our online sign-up form or give us a phone call and about two minutes later… you’re ready to go. (661) 770-1772. We’re out scooping most of the day (cause it’s hard to see at night) so don’t be afraid to leave a message on the voice mail. Just be sure to leave your preferred contact number and we will attempt to call you within the hour! You will be invoiced via email. We will prefer all new clients to provide their credit card information via the secure client portal for automated payments.